Lovely deep Afrobeat from Ghana's 70s Highlife period. First side is funkier and has been comp'd a few times but the second side is much softer; after several listens it really grabbed me. The record is a bit rough but there are no skips.
C.K. Mann & His Carousel 7 - Funky Highlife (zip of mp3s)
A. Medley
B. Highlife Medley
Yours, DJ Bylamplight
Great album! Thanks for posting. Read about it a couple days ago and since I will most likely never find this record in East Tennessee you doing me a huge favor. Hopefully I'll find it someday.
do u know how u rule?
been searching for this for quite some time...watching the lp's go sky high on ebay...thank u so much!
the funky part is a top class masterpiece!
karl from sweden
Thanks Karl, enjoy! It's a rough copy but it's all I could get my own grubby mits on :) It's a shame that no one has reissued this yet, such a hot record. -DJ Bylamplight
Thanks a lot. I'm from Ghana myself and knew C.K. personally. I remember asking him about this record back in the 90s and even he didn't have a copy, lol. He's passed on now and I miss him dearly.
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