
Bogdan Raczynski - Alright! (2007)

Latest Bogdan record, released about a month ago in the UK. I've always loved Raczynski, he took braindance further then most of the contemporary electronic artists these days. It's a happy rave-record, less breaks more kicks! Securing his name in the scene for all the new kids who just discovered him, along a lot of other artists in the scene.. dating almost twenty years back! I'm curious what the next ten years will bring..

I'm sure a lot of dj's will pick up this record in the stores, making the tekno-hippies hop around once more, hit it!



Anonymous said...


ive just read youre entry on the uncut compilation ( http://liquiddilemma.blogspot.com/2007/09/comets-ghosts-and-sunburned-hands.html ) and i wanted to listen to it but the dowload file is not the good one... do you think you can arrange that?


Liquid Dilemma said...

just checked, and you're right!
fixed the link so go ahead...

thx for being sharp.